SEO for

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+35% organic search visits


Because of local, well-known competitors and new entrants upping the game in their own SE Optimization, has lost a big chunck of its potential costumers who search specificproducts through search engines - and find them on competitor sites sooner than on The main goal of the SEO project was to stop the decreasing tendency within organic search related traffic, and make the business gain again.


A complete SEO audit was carried out (on- and off-site) with main competitors' activity analyzed, and international best practice investigated.
Brandlift developed a mid- and long-term SEO strategy, and optimized the site's architechtural, content and link profile levels, as well as its mobile phone appearance/user experience.
Brandlift identified and corrected all errors which lead to the decreasing efficiency of Google indexing; and introduced innovative best practices which have been gained from international and local work. We also analysed and its main competitors' link profile (all the links pointing to the respective websites), and replaced the outdated linkbuilding techniques (eg. catalogue links) with modern, efficient ones for


During the 6 months long collaboration with, Brandlift successfully halted the decreasing numbers in terms of volume of visitors and set up a new course, making stagnating organic traffic grow again. Looking at YoY data, we reached a 16% organic growth, with major site trafic analysis data (number of people staying on page, lenght of stay, etc.) also showing improvment.
Because of the above, Sanoma has chosen Brandlift as its agency of choice for other SEO related work as well within it's portfolio.